General Assembly: Professorship of Contemporary Art
The employment of Professor Noit Banai at the Institute of Art History will end in the Summer Semester of 2019. Over the past five years, she has held the temporary §99 Professorship for Contemporary Art, which will be advertised this April. The impending loss of an esteemed professor combined with the absence of a permanent Professorship for Contemporary Art (§98) has precipitated the formation of the independent initiative Contemporary Matters. This initiative has already organized a petition and panel discussion addressing this predicament. However, there are still many unanswered questions:
What constitutes a §99 professorship? How does the time limitation of 5 years affect the supervisory role of this professorship? What will happen in the future? Will the cycle continue?
Therefore, we, the StV Kunstgeschichte and the Initiative Contemporary Matters, invite all students of art history to discuss, ask questions, exchange ideas together and decide what comes next on Thursday, March 28th at 18:00 in Seminar room 1.
Department of Art History, Garisongasse 13, 1090 Vienna, Campus courtyard 9.