Contemporary Matters Journal pushes for art histories from the perspective of contemporaneity. What does this mean? In our understanding of contemporaneity, it is essential to question the colonial, heteronormative and dehumanizing western tradition of knowledge and its production. In the deconstruction of these (in)visible norms and mindsets we are eager for a system of knowledges in which underlying power relations are called upon and acted accordingly. Their overcoming is our goal and engaging with multiple perspectives is our mission.
We want to encourage young thinkers to share their work in a public discussion, taking away the fear of standing one’s own ground. We choose to peer review each other's texts to open up a conversation, but also to take our own opinions seriously, while deconstructing the myth of “the expert” or “the genius”. Reviewing means to find one's own position, juxtaposing it and interacting with each other’s logic and argumentation. The purpose of this whole journal can be boiled down to two aspects: reducing the fear of publishing and engaging young thinkers to discuss their ideas publicly.
We encourage you to contribute by submitting your text, or artistic work, or documentation of it! As we understand knowledge production not being reduced to academic writing as superior, we accept exhibition reviews, artistic texts and works, poems, opinions or different forms of textual expressions next to academic essays. With regards to the content we are ready to be surprised to broaden our range of understanding of a decolonial and feminist art history which is political, deconstructs modernist logics and hierarchies of knowledge production, makes power relations in the art world visible, mediates technology, relates to every day life issues, thinks anti-categorical or opens “academic thought” to the wider societies. Your contribution can be written in English or German or any other language on request.
More information: Application procedure
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Contemporary Matters
Is that the best you can do?
Helene Eisl
Die “nackte Wahrheit”?
Wei Sun
Roman Signer at Martin Janda
Luize Nezberte
Im Abseits Zuhause
Franziska Giesecke
Hito Steyerl’s Drah di ned um (2020) and the Limit of Time
Klara Wanner
Fluide Repräsentationen
Jana Pfort
Roswitha Schuller
Contemporary Matters
Sprachliche Grenzverhandlungen in David Wojnarowicz Tape Journals
Leonie Huber
This young art historian
Pamela Heilig
Comrade Britney and the Critical Potential of Marxist Memeing
Sophie Publig
Institutional Curating defusing activism? “of bread, wine, cars, security and peace…” A Review
Louise Istern
confortable l’evidence des chose qui existent
Paola Quilici
Yippie Ja Ja Yippie Yippie Yeah!
Ein Baumarkt als urbane Fata Morgana
Anja Heitzer
What Else Could We Talk About?Bare Life in Teresa Margolles’ 2009 Venice Biennial Exhibition
Kathrin Suppanz
Contemporary Matters
Collective approaches towards knowledge production. Crvena’s
Archive of the Antifascist Struggle of the Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Magdalena Stöger
aber wussten sie dass brecht der lebensgefährte von weigel war
Veronika Zorn
Aisthetic Capitalism
Yorick Josua Berta
Couscous-Corbusier: Excavating the Everyday in Kader Attia’s Untitled (Ghardaïa)
Catalina Escalona
Natalia Gurova
Fragmentarische Körper in Eliza Douglas’ Gemäldeserie My Gleaming Soul
Julia Anna Wittmann
Versuch über das Rauschen. Ein Plantogramm
Elena Peytchinska und Thomas Ballhausen
Hot Dogs in Digital Capitalism – Safe Conduct (2016) by Ed Atkins
Charlotte Reuß
Bilder der Gegenwart in Hito Steyerls This is the Future
Alex Leo Freier
Joined as Life — Visualised desire in Andrea Crespo’s [fka] selves-representation
Pamela Heilig
In Repetition and Hesitation
Stephan Blumenschein
Situated Museums? Scottish galleries and the decolonisation debate.
Fedra Benoli
Contemporary Matters
Nicole Eisenmans Morning Studio oder: Liebeskummer heute
Johanna Müller
Vermögen horten, Vermögen Horten
Dina Rosenhek
The Naturalization of Humanity and the Construction of Morality in The Last of Us
Sophie Publig
Vier / 4 Tage Rom
Charlotte Reuß
Eine neue Dauerausstellung in Wien
Mihály Németh
Flower Studies, Horizont
Un-Zu Ha-Nul Lee
Dokumentation und Archiv in Hito Steyerls Essayfilm November
Martina Genetti