rA/Upture: xenofuturities, specters, anachrony (Online Conference)
Contemporary Matters is excited to participate in the conference rA/Upture by adO/Aptive. Due to the restrictions on events, the conference will take place online from October 3 to October 4. Please register via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raupture-conference-tickets-122377754157.
Description: Middle-eastern European states face, as well as countless democratic systems all over the world, the problem of right wing rhetoricians who try to secure and hold on to over-identified ideologies.
Nationalist ideology has occupied and co-opted our national and historical myths, therefore we must take them back so as to rebuilt progressive forms of thinking origin and belonging. By shooting up this raptured national identities into space we can loosen the temporality of the nation, allowing us to reimagine history, tearing space time apart, opening psychogeographical landscapes to otherworldly encounters – from here on out, the fictive past and an even more speculative future shall help us reappropriating the task of constructing narratives of identity.
For this, we have elaborated the term dis_rapture, which resonates with the title of our symposium. This notion shall be investigated in relation to the terms that embody our subtitle: xenofuturities, specters and anachrony. Dis_rapture is defined as the disruptive act which ruptures predominant ideologies of rapture. By uncovering and splitting the inherent duality of rapture, and by decoupling it from its ideological stagnation we shall unravel its potential for becoming and foster the exponential growth of different perspectives on identity and well-being. The strategy of identity construction shall be reappropriated as a disruptive tool. The rigid borders set around cultural memory define and encode progressive agendas. Our task is to uncover this vague promises of endless ongoing progress and rapture.
dis_rapture of xenofuturities dis_rapture of specters dis_rapture of anachrony
The conference was developed under the guidance of Technologie und das Unheimliche, a Berlin-Budapest-Elsewhere based publishing project and cross-disciplinary movement, which published the HUNGAROFUTURIST manifesto in 2017.
The full schedule can be found here: http://adoaptive.pet/projects/raupture-conference/raupture_Booklet_Interactive_2.pdf.